Professional Development Presentations
Learning 2.008 - Shanghai, China
Hands-on Learning - Integrating Curriculum and Technology
Teaching and Integrating Technology through Animation. Spice up your curriculum with student created multimedia projects that promote authentic, standards based, hands-on learning.
ePals - 21st Century Collaboration Skills and Social Networking
Safely connecting, collaborating and learning about responsible social networking; students and teachers work together to create global community. Learn more about ePals and join the discussion of how social networking is opening a world of opportunity for our students to work with others students around the globe.
S2F2 - Shanghai Student Film Festival: Start your own Film Festival Today!
A showcase for the many ways that students are using video as a tool in the classroom. The S2F2 mission is to create a space for students that is cross cultural in scope and global in reach, for students to share their video projects and exchange new ideas. Find out more about S2F2 at:
SCIS Pudong Campus 2008-09
Lower School Technology Integration
Internet Resources - Research and Web 2.0 Tools
websites - web 2.0 applications - research tools and ideas - iste/nets
A look at just a few Search Resources and Web 2.0 applications that teachers, students and parents should be using. Opportunity to share your own resources and try many new ones.
Building Resources @ SCIS Pudong Campus
copiers/scanner - cameras - laptops - PCs - LCDs - document cameras - projectors
A quick look at the many hardware resources available to teachers and how to use them.
SCIS Pudong WordPress (
Why new schools are choosing an old model to bring students into the 21st century.
Social Networking and PLN (Personal Learning Networks)
FaceBook - Twitter - Delicious - Flikr - ePals - iEARN and much more
We will look at Social Networks and discuss their use both at home and at school. Teachers will build their own PLN and learn more about best practice, collaborating and learning with peers around the globe.