Oct 15 classroom blog - where to start Mikey McKillip
Decisions, decisions, there are so many choices out there for classroom blogs. Which one or what type of blog will be the best fit?
It can be a daunting decision to make if you are a teacher who wants to have a classroom website or blog but your school does not yet have a plan to support teachers who want to do this. As the school year started, I was thinking of the different ways that I wanted to communicate with parents and family members both locally and around the globe. There are so many choices, which isn't a bad thing, just difficult to to choose the best option.
Here is a short list of FREE sites that I considered before creating my classroom website:
WordPress - from the website "WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability." WP has become extremely popular as a blog option. WP offers complete freedom for anyone to download and host their own site or have the option of a free blog hosted on WordPress.com.
Edublogs - Specifically designed for educational use, Edublogs are being used by many schools, teachers and students. Edublogs use WP technology, so they look and can be used just like a regular WP blog but designed with education in mind.
Wix - Wix is a free Flash website builder. They have an easy to use 'drag and drop' online editor. There are also many ready-to-go templates to choose from.
Edicy - I have been using Edicy for a couple of years now. Wonderful people, they provide easy to use online web editing tools and their support has been fantastic.
I decided to go with WordPress for my current classroom blog ISTGrade2.wordpress.com. I am current using the free WP hosting option for this blog. It was easy to set up and it has been relatively easy to update and maintain.
Comments: 1
Manoj Kusshwaha
Apr 17
great resource shared for learning technology