Feb 22 tech integration - a work in progress Mikey McKillip
As the school year continues, the Lower School Technology Integration Program continues to gain momentum as we reflect, make changes and celebrate our successes.
The following is a working document. This is a the current Lower School Technology Integration Coordinator position description:
The primary role of the Lower School Technology Coordinator is supporting teachers in the broad based integration of technology in daily classroom activities. As such, the coordinator should be very knowledgeable of a broad range of curriculum that covers the grade levels served. Additionally, the position requires a high degree of visibility and involvement in each teacher’s classroom. While not specifically scheduled in each room, the focus should be on serving teachers to degrees appropriate to their needs while moving them to higher levels of accomplishment on their own with background support. It is expected that 80% of this role should be focused on work with teachers and students in a variety of settings.
The following are specific duties associated with the role of Classroom Technology Integration Coordinator:
• Promote the use of relevant technology in classrooms to which he/she is assigned.
• Work with teachers to develop lesson plans and activities involving the use of technology to further attainment of educational goals consistent with adopted Use of Technology Standards for staff and students.
• When requested by teachers research ways to incorporate/use technology to teach specific lessons or units.
• Demonstrate the use of new or existing technology applications for teachers.
• Work with teachers and administrators to assure integration of technology in all classrooms as assigned.
• Cooperatively develop projects and instructional applications of technology use consistent with system goals.
• Assist with campus orientation activity as assigned by current administration.
• Work with Campus Technology Coordinator in implementing and evaluating the building plan for instructional use of computers.
• Work with Campus Technology Coordinator, department heads, teachers, and others to implement the system technology plan.
• Collaborate with the Campus Technology Coordinator in assuring that budgets adequately support the instructional technology plan. Make suggestions on the effective and equitable distribution of technology resources for the grade levels and teachers assigned.
• Develop and manage building technology resources to be used by teachers and students.
• Help develop and implement a procedure for the evaluation of software, hardware, and courseware, and for the sharing of the results of such evaluation.
• Disseminate technology-related information throughout the building effectively as determined by his/her constituents.
• Remain technically competent and informed on technology products and initiatives as they emerge and as determined by the Campus Technology Coordinator.
• Other duties as assigned.
As the year and our Technology Integration program has progressed. Administration and I have taken a critical look at how and when technology has been used in our building. The following is a break down of time for Technology Integration.
Publish at Scribd or explore others: Academic Work teaching scis
The following is a sample of a typical week's notes from working with Lower School students, teachers, staff and administrators.
Technology Integration Notes
Work with Art teacher to prepare for grade 4 digital photography unit
Create SCIS Flickr site and instruct how to use
Grade 3 A
Start using www.raz-kids.com
Help teacher to set up class/student accounts and general management of accounts
Demonstrate to students with teacher how to log in and use program
Assist Art teacher with Grade 3 digital photography in class
Weekly Tech Meeting with Campus Coordinator
Take detailed minutes of meeting and distribute to admin and Head of School
Assist Art teacher with Grade 5 digital photography in class
Technology Integration Notes
Grade 3 B
Start using www.raz-kids.com
Help teacher to set up class/student accounts and general management of accounts
Demonstrate to students with teacher how to log in and use program
Grade 4 A
Introduce Pages to students - create a sample newsletter with students
Grade 2 A
Introduce seed animation project to students
Start storyboard idea with students
Grade 5 - Meeting
Meet with Grade 5 team about Schedule and ongoing projects
Grade 3 A
Introduce Science project with teacher - use resource material from research
Grade 4 B
Finish portfolio reflection sheets as guided introduction to created on-line form
Direct students to organize files to be printed and put into network drive folders
Technology Integration Notes
iMovie Workshop for Mandarin Staff
Demonstrate video-casting and podcasting ideas for Mandarin
Plan for use in classroom and set up calendars for integration assistance
Grade 2 - Meeting
Plan to finish animation project with seeds and finish Seed Stories
Grade 4 - Meeting
Plan to finish Grade 4/Grade 1 Reading Buddy projects
Plan to finish poetry and mind map projects
Plan to finish posters with Pages
Plan for Podcasting with GarageBand projects
Grade 3 B
Introduce Science project with teacher - use resource material from research
Email and Reflection from meetings and planning with teachers
Staff Meeting
Technology Integration Notes
Grade 2 A
Review seed animation projects, review storyboards, create backgrounds, demonstrate how to use camera, demonstrate how to animate with clay, transfer photos from digital cameras, create student folders, adjust all frames for smooth transition and output as .mov files to make ready for student use
Grade 4 C
Introduce poster project with teacher to start creating posters
Grade 4 A
Start creating Keynote pages (table of contents)
Grade 5 A
Assist teacher with editing of projects in Pages
Assist with final draft/answer questions
Technology Integration Notes
Grade 3 A and B
Continue using GarageBand for recording reading
Grade 4 B
Finish portfolio work and organize files
Tech Meeting with Admin
Meet with teacher - work on design for LS Musical program
Grade 5 - B
Intro using Pages for creating storyboard with students
Grade 2 B
Work one-on-one with students to finish recording Seed Stories
Following is a typical weekly schedule for the Lower School Technology Integration Coordinator:
7:30-8:00 Check email and check-in with teachers
8:00-9:00 Begin working in classrooms with students and teachers
9:00-10:00 Continue working in classrooms woking with students and teachers, Meet with Administartion to report progress
10:00-11:00 Continue working in classrooms with students and teachers, Recess duty and other building committments, Communicate with Personal Learning Network via Twitter/email/other for feedback on current projects and ideas
11:00-12:00 Continue working in classrooms with students and teachers, Lunch duty and other building committments, Meet with teachers for planning and unit design
12:00-1:00 Continue working in classrooms with students and teachers, Meet with teachers for planning and unit design, Communicate with Personal Learning Network via Twitter/email/other for feedback on current projects and ideas, Research and project design/support
1:00-2:00 Continue working in classrooms with students and teachers, Meet with teachers for planning and unit design, Communicate with Personal Learning Network via Twitter/email/other for feedback on current projects and ideas, Research and project design/support
2:00-3:00 Continue working in classrooms with students and teachers, Meet with teachers for planning and unit design, Communicate with Personal Learning Network via Twitter/email/other for feedback on current projects and ideas, Research and project design/support, Bus duty
3:00-4:00 Staff meetings, Research and project design/support, After school activites
4:00-5:00 Research and project design/support, Update Webpage with news and student projects
6:00-8:00 Occasional planning meetings for academic activites such as Learning 2.0, Shanghai Student Film Festival, Shanghai Instruction Technology group, etc.
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